Dress Code

A sense of the need for appropriate dress standards has led SCA to adopt standards of conduct and appearance. All students are to be neatly dressed in school uniforms during school hours and for all Academy-sponsored after school activities. Parents and guests of students are requested to dress modestly while on school property and while attending Academy functions.

Compliance with our uniform code instills a sense of order and discipline, eliminates fashion competition and saves times otherwise expended in selecting clothing for the day. Neat and appropriate dress is one of our “trademarks” to the community and helps identify us as the special school that we are.

Students violating the uniform dress code may, at the discretion of the administration, be asked to leave campus until their appearance meets Academy standards. The school administration reserves the right to initiate policies on new fads and changes in lifestyles throughout the school year.

Our dress standards are as follows, and keeping them are necessary to remain a student at Sanford Christian Academy.

GIRLS — Daily Uniform Expectations

Burgundy plaid jumper or skirt
Burgundy or Grey polo shirt WITH SCHOOL LOGO (required) Black Shoes (non-marking sneakers or dress shoes)
Black or Grey socks, tights or leggings

  1. Expected to maintain a standard of modesty in all clothing.
  2. Uniform skirts and jumpers are expected to be BELOW the knee.
    Parents please pay particular attention to growing girls that their jumper or skirt do not become too short or too tight during the school year.
  3. Proper undergarments MUST be worn at all times
  4. Extremely heavy makeup, earrings in the nose, tongue, cartilage, extreme body parts, and unnaturally colored hair or extreme hairstyles are not permitted. No haircuts that resemble a boy permitted.
  5. Hats and caps are not permitted in any building.

BOYS — Daily Uniform Expectations

Black dress pants with belt loops
Burgundy or Grey polo shirt WITH SCHOOL LOGO (required) Black belt
Black shoes (non-marking sneakers or dress shoes)
Black socks

  1. Shirts are to be tucked in and a belt must be worn at all times
  2. Pants are not allowed to be down around the hip area. They must be belted at the student’s waist. No joggers. Pants must have belt loops.
  3. Boys must maintain a haircut that includes a neat trim and tapered on the sides and back. Not touching the eyebrows or ears. Not excessively bushy, not turned up on the ends because of length, and not on the shirt collar. Hair must be neatly combed. Bowl, braids, wedge, pigtail cuts, and symbols cut into the hair are not permitted. Extreme hair styles or color are not permitted. Hair combed in an upward manner can be no longer than one inch.
  4. Beards, mustaches, goatees, or sideburns that extend below the middle of the ear are not permitted.
  5. Boys may not wear any type of jewelry(inculding necklaces and bracelets) or earrings while on campus or at off campus school sponsored events.
  6. Hats and caps are not permitted in any building.


Chapel Day Uniform


Burgundy plaid jumper, white dress shirt (logo not required) Burgundy plaid skirt, white dress shirt, sweater vest (logo required) Black DRESS shoes
Black or Grey socks, tights or leggings


Black dress pants with belt loops
White dress shirt (logo not required)
Black belt
Black shoes (dress shoes NO SNEAKERS) Black socks

Black or Burgundy tie (purchase in office) K-4th grade sweater vest (logo required) 5-12th grade black sport coat

Boys may bring school approved polo to change into AFTER chapel. ALL students must arrive to school in chapel uniform.


Only school approved jackets/sweaters may be worn in classrooms and on campus. All jackets and sweaters must be school approved this means black or burgundy with school logo. This excludes winter jackets- any color winter jacket is acceptable. Fleece jackets must be purchased online through our school store at Lands End.com (they are not yet available at French Toast)

Hooded sweatshirts of any type are NOT permitted to be worn on campus during school hours.


All students should have the proper PE or SPORT PRACTICE Uniform.

Girls must be measured for culottes. Girls are NOT permitted to wear boys shorts. Culottes must be below the knee.

Boys- Black loose fitted shorts, SCA T-shirt.


Men- SCA burgundy T-shirt with black dress slacks
Ladies- SCA burgundy T-shirt with black below the knee skirt